Year One Home Learning Guidance
Please see the above guidance for an outline of a typical school day.
Peek at the Week
Weekly newsletters from your child’s teacher can be found here:
Welcome to Year One Class Information
Lesson 2 – Time to the half hour
Lesson 2 – Partitioning numbers
Lesson 3 – Comparing numbers (1)
Lesson 4 – Comparing numbers (2)
Snow White in New York pictures
Lesson 3 Make equal groups – sharing 2020
Lesson 4 Make equal groups – grouping 2020
Learning Projects
Optional weekly Learning Projects can be found here:
Week 15 Learning-Project-TRANSPORT
Week 14 Learning-Project-SPACE
Week 13 Learning-Project-MUSIC
Week 12 Learning-Project-AROUND-THE-WORLD
Week 10 Learning-Project-THE-RAINFOREST
Week 8 Learning-Project-UNDER-THE-SEA