Declared Interests


Governor Full Name

Name of Organisation

Nature of Business

Nature of Interest

Date Declared

Miss Katherine Jane Aldred 13.09.23
Mr Steven William Barker Strictly Education Educational Services provider Head of Governance Consultancy 13.09.23
Mr Steven William Barker Collingwood College Academy Trust School Chair of Governors and Trustee/Director 13.09.23
Mr Steven William Barker EEEA Multi Academy Trust School Member 13.09.23
Mr Steven William Barker Harry and Ed’s Aspiration Raising Trust (HEART) Charity Self and wife are Trustees 13.09.23
Mrs Skye Louise Deane 13.09.23
Mrs Katheryn Richardson 05.10.23
Mrs Dawn Mitchell 13.09.23
Mr John Bauld   –   –   – 13.09.23
Mrs Erin Merton  –  – 13.09.23
Mr Sean Christopher Trangmar 22.11.23
Ms Lindsay Correa Riding for the Disabled UK Incorporating Carriage Driving Charity Trustee 28.09.23