What we do |
At Bagshot Infant school we follow Kapow Art and design scheme of work which aims to inspire children and develop their confidence to experiment and invent their own works of art. The scheme is written by experts in their field and is designed to give children every opportunity to develop their ability, nurture their talent and interests, express their ideas and thoughts about the world, as well as learning about art and artists across cultures and through history. |
How we do it |
The Kapow Art scheme is designed with four strands that run throughout. These are:
Units of lessons are sequential, allowing children to build their skills and knowledge, applying them to a range of outcomes. The formal elements, a key part of the national curriculum, are also woven throughout the units. Key skills revisited again and again with increasing complexity in a spiral curriculum model. This allows children to revise and build on their previous learning. Units in each year group are organised into four core areas:
The art and design curriculum develops children’s knowledge and understanding of key artists and units are linked to artists through practical work. Lessons are practical and encourage experimental and exploratory learning with children using sketchbooks to document their ideas. Differentiated guidance is available for each lesson to ensure that the lessons can be accessed and enjoyed by all children. Individual lessons are planned to meet the needs of all pupils, including those with SEND, to ensure the curriculum is fully accessible. Knowledge organisers for each unit support children in building a foundation of factual knowledge by encouraging recall of key facts and vocabulary. |
How we ensure progress (skills) |
Detailed lesson plans are provided by the Kapow scheme and learning tasks are designed to enable progress to take place across the school. Our Progression of skills and knowledge document shows the skills that are taught within each year group and how these skills develop by the end of the key stage and can be viewed here. |
What we want children to remember from each unit (knowledge) |
How we assess art |
Art and Design are monitored through both formative and summative assessment opportunities. Detailed plans are provided by Kapow, and learning tasks are designed to enable progress to take place across the school |
How we make art enjoyable We ensure that art lessons are enjoyable by using the rich variety of ideas and resources from Kapow, ensuring a range of media are used in both 2D and 3D art. Outside spaces and the natural world are used as often as possible for inspiration. We hold an ‘Art Week’ event annually where children can immerse themselves in creative activities. Hall displays are changed regularly and provide a gallery for the whole school to access and enjoy. |
Design and Technology (DT)What we do |
Design and Technology (DT) is taught in blocks three/four times a year in KS1 and are planned into the curriculum in EYFS. Projects are carefully chosen to ensure the EYFS learning goals and the National Curriculum objectives for KS1 are met. They aim to guide the children through the processes of designing, making and evaluating a project, whilst building on technical knowledge and subject – specific vocabulary. |
How we do it |
DT is taught as a discrete lesson, although links are made to other subjects (science/art) where appropriate, so that children can apply new and taught knowledge and understanding. Teaching builds on prior knowledge and skills, ensuring progression. (See How we ensure progress below) Children have an opportunity to be creative, practise problem-solving, and learn how to think logically. Our projects provide children with creative thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills, that are vital for success in other areas of the curriculum. DT lessons often take the form of group projects, which also develop their collaborative working skills. Individual lessons are planned to meet the needs of all pupils, including those with SEND, to ensure the curriculum is fully accessible. |
How we ensure progress (skills) |
Our ‘Design Technology: Progression of skills’ document ensures that lessons are carefully planned to show the development of skills/knowledge across year groups. Planning guides children from e.g. ‘Can I explain what my product is for, and how it will work?’ in Year 1 to ‘Can I explain the purpose of my product, how it will work and how it will be suitable for the user?’ in Year 2. Detailed medium-term plans include learning objectives which are closely matched to the skills progression statements, and learning tasks are designed to enable this progress to take place. Our Progression of skills documents can be read here |
What we want children to remember from each unit (knowledge) |
We want the children to remember how to:
How we assess DT |
Teachers assess children’s progress against the ‘Design Technology: progression of skills document’ after careful observation of their working practices and outputs. |
How we make DT enjoyable |
We ensure that children enjoy their lessons by providing a wide range of ‘design, make and evaluate’ tasks, encouraging them to use a variety of materials and tools as they develop their skills. Visitors with different skills are invited to talk to the children and demonstrate their crafts e.g. knitters, weavers, artists. A S.T.E.M. Centre is planned for the near future which will be a base for special equipment and projects linked with our science curriculum. |