
What we do.
Mathematics is taught daily in discrete lessons in both Early Years and Key Stage One. Our aim is for our children to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics; able to reason mathematically in a range of situations and develop skills in problem solving. We provide all children with the practical skills to understand the concepts, facts and operations necessary to meet the mathematical needs of everyday life and ensure that all children make good progress whatever their starting points.
How we do it.

We follow the White Rose Maths schemes of learning (supported by Primary Stars) to guarantee consistency, coherence and progression. Lessons build on small steps in daily lessons where children move from the ‘Concrete’ (using resources) to the ‘Pictorial’ (drawing pictures or diagrams), to the ‘Abstract’ (using numbers and symbols) approach. These sequential units build on previous learning, which leads to deeper understanding.

In EYFS, children are provided with opportunities, through planned purposeful play and a mix of adult-led and child-initiated activities, to develop and ensure they have a strong grounding in number, and all other areas of mathematics, including shape, space and reasoning. Our mathematics curriculum encourages children to be confident, develop positive attitudes, have a go, ask questions and not be afraid to make mistakes.

How we ensure progress. (skills)

By using our ‘Maths: Progression of skills’ document alongside our planning, we can ensure there is a development of skills/knowledge across year groups. Using the White Rose Maths scheme of learning, our detailed medium-term plans match the small steps, ensuring children progress across year groups.

You can read our progression of skills documents here

What we want children to remember from each unit. (knowledge)
We expect children to remember key vocabulary, methods and calculations from each unit of work. Lessons always start with a recap of previous learning, and ‘Working Maths Walls’ are used throughout lesson input. Adding to them after each lesson ensures it is updated and relevant. We want children to confidently apply their skills independently, using appropriate tools where necessary to solve open-ended mathematics problems enhancing and consolidating their knowledge.
How we assess maths.
Teachers assess constantly throughout mathematics lessons. Misconceptions are quickly identified, and support is given quickly. Marking informs the children’s next steps and allows teachers to assess whether they have reached the learning intention for that lesson. Formative assessments take place termly and identify children not making expected progress. Interventions are put in place to enable catch up opportunities. In EYFS, children are assessed in their play, and during adult-led activities. Observations are used to ensure children are progressing and applying their learning appropriately.
How we make maths enjoyable.

Mathematics is made ‘hands on’ as much as possible through concrete materials. We have a maths-rich environment where children play games, sing songs, use working walls and read books.