
Our Breakfast club takes place from 8.00am every morning and the children enjoy a healthy breakfast and fun activities with friends. It is run by Bagshot Infant School staff, in the main building of the school.

Further details on how to book and our terms and conditions can be found here:

Breakfast club Booking Form Autumn Term 1 September 2024

Breakfast club Booking Form Summer Term 2 2024

Breakfast Club Terms and Conditions

Our Football Club takes place every Wednesday and runs from 3.10pm until 4.15pm. It is run by Bagshot Infant School staff and takes place within the school grounds.

For further information, or to book a place for your child, please contact the school office

Terms and conditions for football club bookings can be found here

Football Club Terms and Conditions

Our Lego and Choir clubs also take place every Wednesday and run from 3.10pm until 4.15pm. They are run by Bagshot Infant School staff, takes place within the school grounds and are free to access.

For further information, or to book a place for your child, please contact the school office

Terms and conditions for Choir and Lego bookings can be found here:

Choir Club Terms and Conditions

Lego Club Terms and Conditions

We also run after school activity clubs called, Playball and Movers and Shakers. These are run by  external companies, specifically for Infant age children. Further details can be found here:

Playball – Summer Term 2024

Synergy Dance Club – Summer 24