The Governing Body of Bagshot Infant School is made up of parents, staff and members of the local community, who give their time freely to ensure that all children benefit from the best possible learning and care.
The role of the governing body is to ensure that each child reaches their full learning potential, within a safe, happy and fully inclusive school. The governing body is responsible for overseeing the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school, holding the Headteacher and school leadership to account for all aspects of performance, including compliance with safeguarding and educational statutory requirements. It is also the governing body’s role to ensure that spending decisions made achieve the best value for money in terms of their impact on outcomes for all children at the school.
We are fortunate that our governing body includes several governors with vast governor experience and a track record of commitment to Bagshot Infant School.
To find out more about who are governors are, please click here
You can also view further information about our governors’ terms of office.
All school governors, in England, are now required by law to declare their business interests which could potentially lead to a conflict of interest in a meeting. This brings greater transparency to the work of governing bodies. This link will take you to the Declared governor interests
Full Governing Body meeting dates can be found here
To learn more about the Governing Body Open Meeting Protocol please click here
If you have difficulty viewing any of the above pdf files please contact the school office to request a hard copy.
If you would like to get in touch with the governing body, please contact the chair, Mr Steve Barker, via the school office or via