What we do.
P.E. is taught twice weekly following a sport, fitness and health programme which uses a holistic approach to the teaching of P.E. aimed at improving the children’s fitness, developing skills and deepening their knowledge of health and wellbeing. Our P.E. lessons are engaging, develop skills, encourage cooperation and participation, and foster a healthy regard for competition and children’s enjoyment of sport.
How we do it.

Our P.E. curriculum follows ‘The Rising Stars Champions KS1’ scheme which is split into sports, fitness and health units. Lessons take place both indoors (gymnastics and dance) and outdoors (sports/games). Lessons are planned to develop the movement skills of agility, balance, coordination and strength whilst fostering participation, cooperation and tactical knowledge.

PE in our Reception year  is mainly taught through ‘Physical Development’. Physical Development is vital in children, enabling them to pursue happy, healthy, active lives. Gross and fine motor experiences are developed through sensory explorations, focussing on strength, co-ordination and positional awareness. We provide opportunities for play both indoors and outdoors, which supports our children in building core strength, stability, balance, spatial awareness, co-ordination and agility.

Skills for PE in the Early Years are mainly taught through the following areas of learning:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development
  • Expressive Arts and Design

Individual lessons are planned to meet the needs of all pupils, including those with SEND, to ensure the curriculum is fully accessible.

How we ensure progress. (skills)

Detailed medium-term plans are provided by the Rising Stars scheme and learning tasks are designed to enable progress to take place across Year 1 and Year 2. Year R use our ‘P.E.: Progression of skills’ document to ensure the development of skills/knowledge across year groups.

Our Progression of skills documents can be read here

What we want children to remember from each unit. (knowledge)

Our aim is that children will remember:

·       how to look after their bodies and understand the importance of exercising

·       recognise which body parts are being exercised by different activities

·       how we know when we are getting fitter/stronger/more skilled

·       how to cooperate with others in team games

·       simple tactics

·       how to use equipment safely

How we assess P.E.
Rising Stars includes six built in fitness assessment units which take place termly. Improvement in fitness is recorded and tracked. The ‘Progression of Skills: P.E.’ document is used alongside these to ensure there is progression across all year groups.
How we make P.E. enjoyable.

We ensure that all children enjoy their P.E. lessons by enabling them to use a range of equipment in fun and engaging activities ensuring even the most reluctant take part.

We hold a sports day each year which includes competitive races and activities designed for all children to access.

Enrichment activities are planned e.g. ‘Walk to London’ on the school field where children participate to earn stamps in their passport for each mile they walk.